
From Encyclopedia Monadia


After an audio recording from Grimjow, and a discussion between the latter, Averell and skoolkid, the idea for the fly was created. A few minutes later, Gleader transformed this idea into an original fly in the color of Monad, the original Mouch.

Mouch likes Bill but doesn’t like Monday. There is a secret triangular relationship between Mouch Bill Monday and Super xxxxx.

Mouch is laser resistant and likes eating spiders. It is said that Mouch has taken the form of a fly to make fly predators lower their guard and eat them.


In the grand tapestry of existence, the day of our birth indeed holds a paramount significance, for it marks the genesis of our being, the inception of our journey through the annals of time. Without that pivotal moment, we would not grace the world with our presence, nor partake in the wondrous symphony of life.

An idea sparkled in the mind of Brother Grimjow, a notion so vivid and electrifying that it seemed to light up the very corridors of his intellect. In that ephemeral moment, as if touched by the divine, he conceived of something wondrous and profound. The Mouch itself.

Audio content : “Hi everyone, I wanted to share something with you with a bit of disappointment, I know it won't please many people, but I'm going to stop with monad. I've decided to stop here. So why? Let me explain. I've decided to retrain, to work on fly research. It's an underestimated insect and there are too few bullish people on the fly and I think that's a shame. In fact it's a plinator insect and we don't talk about it enough and I think it's an undervalued insect and I think it has more of a future than Monad. I wanted to tell you about it so you don't get caught off guard. So I hope my decision will be fully accepted.”

At that moment, an idea sparked in the Frenchnads’ minds : “We should make a fly monanimal”

In the chronicles of this tale, April 25th of 2024 emerges as a focal point. On this auspicious day, Brother Gleader, with the stroke of his pencil, bestowed life upon Mouch, infusing him with vitality and essence. Like a winged creature taking flight, Mouch soared forth into Monad's Culture, disseminating his existence across its vast expanse. Through the agency of Brother Gleader's hand, Mouch emerges as a sentient entity, endowed with the capacity to traverse the realms of thought and imagination, enriching Monad's Culture with his presence and essence. Thus, April 25th of 2024 stands as a testament to the power of creativity and the enduring legacy of creation.


Mouch became a beacon of inspiration and transformation within Monad's Culture. Awakening creativity in those who had long been dormant in their artistic endeavors. With but a whisper, Mouch could ignite the spark of imagination in the hearts of artists, poets, and musicians, leading to a renaissance of creativity that swept through Monad's Culture like a benevolent storm. In the realm of knowledge, Mouch's miraculous deeds extended to the illumination of minds. Scholars and thinkers found themselves graced with sudden insights and profound understandings, as if Mouch had whispered them ALPHA of the Bockchain. This surge of enlightenment propelled scientific discoveries and philosophical advancements, ushering in a new era of intellectual prosperity. One of the most celebrated deeds of Mouch was his ability to heal the ailing spirit. Those burdened by sorrow, despair, or existential ennui found solace in his ethereal presence every Friday. Through his miraculous touch, he lifted the veil of melancholy, restoring hope and joy to countless souls. This rejuvenation of the human spirit became a cornerstone of The Culture's collective consciousness, fostering a society resilient in the face of adversity. Mouch's deeds were not confined to the tangible world alone. In the realm of dreams, he wove intricate tapestries of vision and prophecy, guiding individuals toward their true purpose and potential. These nocturnal visitations were regarded as sacred, with dreamers awakening to newfound clarity and direction in their waking lives. In summation, Mouch's miraculous deeds encompassed the awakening of creativity, the harmonizing of discord, the illumination of minds, the healing of the spirit, and the guidance of dreams. Through these acts, Mouch indelibly imprinted his essence upon Monad's Culture, transforming it in ways both subtle and profound. His legacy endures as a testament to the boundless potential of creation and the enduring power of the human spirit.


The Cult of Mouch emerged as a notable phenomenon within The Frenchnads, a testament to the profound influence and enduring legacy of The Mouch. This cult, far from being a mere collection of followers, represented a vibrant and dynamic movement that revered the principles and miraculous deeds embodied by The Mouch. The genesis of The Cult of Mouch can be traced back to the very moment Brother Grimjow and Brother Gleader conceived The Mouch. As word of this extraordinary creation spread, individuals from all walks of life found themselves drawn to the ideals that The Mouch represented. These were ideals of creativity, harmony, enlightenment, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. Every Friday, they assembled with great anticipation to witness the act of drawing. This weekly gathering became a hallowed ritual, wherein the community, united in purpose and spirit, marveled at the creative process. It was during these moments that the profound connection between artist and observer was most palpable, a testament to the shared human experience of creation and appreciation. In summation, The Cult of Mouch is a vibrant and multifaceted movement that celebrated the ideals of creativity, harmony, enlightenment, and spiritual healing. Its followers, inspired by the miraculous deeds and enduring legacy of The Mouch, seek to embody these principles in their daily lives. Through their collective efforts, they aim to transform The Culture, infusing it with the same boundless potential and luminous energy that The Mouch represented.


The teachings of Mouch, as venerated within Monad's Culture, encapsulated profound wisdom that guided adherents in their daily lives and spiritual journeys. Let us explore these teachings through the lens of adaptability, resilience, and harmony, as they form the core of Mouch’s philosophy.


Mouch taught that to thrive in an ever-changing world, one must embrace change with equanimity and grace. He likened the human spirit to a reed in the wind, flexible yet unbroken. This principle of adaptability urged followers to remain open to new experiences and perspectives, to navigate the vicissitudes of life with a fluidity that ensures continued growth and learning. In essence, Mouch's teachings implored individuals to view change not as an adversary but as an essential force that fosters evolution and enlightenment.


Another cornerstone of Mouch's doctrine emphasized finding strength and fortitude in the face of adversity. Mouch illustrated that through challenges and trials, the soul undergoes a transformative process, emerging stronger and more enlightened. He imparted the wisdom that within every hardship lies the seed of opportunity and growth. By enduring and overcoming difficulties, one cultivates inner strength and an unshakeable spirit, essential for achieving one's higher potential.


Mouch's teachings on harmony underscored the importance of living in consonance with the natural world and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. He espoused a vision of the universe as a grand symphony, where each creature, each element, plays a vital role in maintaining the balance. Followers were encouraged to live with respect for nature, understanding that their actions reverberate through the greater web of life. This principle fostered a sense of stewardship and a commitment to sustainable and compassionate living.


Thus, the narrative of Mouch unfolds before us, elucidating a profound truth: within every diminutive creature lies the seed of greatness, and within every alteration, the promise of a more luminous future. The Mouch stands as a radiant symbol of hope, bearing witness to the inexorable power of nature and the resilient spirit of the Monad ecosystem.

As of today MOUCH still claims a house in Monad.


ANTONIO is the antagonist of MOUCH, he first appeared a few hours after MOUCH, drawn by Doudouron

ANTONIO doesn’t want the end of MOUCH. He exist to regulate the MOUCH population

We suppose that ANTONIO is italian and he loves to put MOUCH on his pizza