Tractor Symbol

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The tractor symbol (or farm role) exists to identify discord users who are providing low quality interactions, essentially labelling them as an NPC with room for improvement.

gmonad bill song[edit]

The gmonad bill song was an AI-created song based on a message from a discord user who was displeased at having received the farm role.

gmonad bill ,just have a simple question i got a tractor symbol in front of my name and got a farm r .sorry cant put the whole word here because its not allowed .is it a warning or an r because i have not seen this in any other person username.please answer ,thanks mate ,habve a great day.

Because the word 'role' was autodeleted by the server the user wrote 'r' as a substitute. The text quickly became copypasta by channel members, leading RayJ to create a song and later a video using the text:

gmonad bill song
by RayJ